Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Coming Soon - A New Weekly Blog!

We are going to be blogging each week about different things. The 1st of each month we will share a theme of the month. For example, our theme for April is, Loving God's Beautiful Creation - Earth.

We will have a Spreading God's Love Challenge, a Bible Reading Challenge where we will be reading different area's of the Bible and sharing our favorite verses from the reading. And finally, we will have a special prayer for the month based on what we hope to accomplish for the month.

The following Sunday's will include news about God's work around the world, a spiritually fed media review (books, movies, blogs, websites and such) and finally a review of our month, looking at what we read with thoughts and opinions, and what ways we tried to help spread God's love to others. If there is something else you would like to see us write about, please let us know by commenting below.

Please comment below each post with participation  thoughts, opinions and news. You can also join us at our Facebook page by clicking here.

See you on April 1st!